Results of the patient-centered pharmacy services implemented in Portugal
The current high overload of the National Health System results in a tendency for the decline in length of stay of individuals in hospitals and transfer of care settings, many of which was previously considered as hospital care, both for services to support the community or to the families themselves. The Primary Health Care network is the first level of contact of individuals, family and community with the National Health System. This contact allows access to essential care and solving their problems, in a specialized and personalized manner.
The pharmacist's role in improving the health of patients, hospitalized or outpatient, both institutionalized or community dwelling, has been a reality over time. However, they need to take the space of excellence of the community pharmacy to demonstrate to the society and other professionals their skills as partner in Primary Health Care. The need for pharmacists in the future will be dependent on the provision of pharmaceutical services patient centered, beyond dispensing medication service.
Evidence of pharmacist’s intervention presented in this paper shows that it is possible to articulate the services of drug information, health status monitoring, screening for various diseases, medication review and pharmacotherapy follow-up with other health care structures providers. The results point to the added value of integrating pharmacists and pharmacies in the Primary Health Care network.
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