Caring in partnership: The use of therapeutic play in child hospitalization

  • Ana Cristina Cardoso dos Santos
  • Paula Conceição Coutinho
  • Alina Nogueira


When the nurse incorporates play into the relationship established with the child, it provides na approach to their reality. The family can facilitate this connection, becoming a fundamental element in this triad of the care process for the hospitalized child. Maintaining contact between parents and child is not only beneficial for the family but also for the therapeutic plan.
The partnership in caring for a sick child involves the active participation of nurses, the child, and their family in providing care. This close relationship helps the child face the challenges of hospitalization and turn them into hurdles to overcome.
Therapeutic Play has proven to be a valuable tool for gathering information from children, as through play, they revealed situations that were particularly difficult to face. The playful activity highlights how mysterious and terrifying the entire situation can be.
Keywords: child, family, reference nurse, partnership in care.
