Serviços Farmacêuticos em Doentes com Insuficiência Renal Crónica
The role of pharmacists caring for patients with chronic kidney disease has been documented in the international literature. This study aims at compiling all pharmaceutical services provided to these patients in order to adapt them to the Portuguese reality.
Medline, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, Pharmacy Abstracts and The Cochrane Library were searched for studies describing pharmacist interventions in patients with chronic kidney disease. Ultimately, and after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 37 studies (corresponding to 38 articles) were included and analysed. Pharmacist interventions reported were: performing medication reviews to identify drug-related problems, adjusting and optimising drug therapy, identifying and correcting drug
records discrepancies, evaluating admission and discharge medication appropriateness, performing laboratory monitoring of specific parameters, implementing anaemia-managing, phosphate-managing and lipid-managing protocols, performing patient education, improving compliance, participating in medical rounds and multidisciplinary patient care meetings, communicating and interacting with other health care professionals, and providing information about drug selection and therapeutic regimes.
In conclusion, a multitude of potential pharmacist interventions in patients with chronic kidney disease was reported in the literature, where pharmacists played a key role in contributing to improve the process of use of medicines and clinical outcomes in these patients.
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