Tipos de Serviços Farmacêuticos Clínicos: O que dizem as Revisões Sistemáticas?
In the last years, much has been published on the development of new clinical pharmacist services. However, uncertainty persists as to which services show better results or can be successfully implemented by pharmacists. Furthermore, the diversity of designations available hinders practice standardization among practitioners and professional organizations. The aim of this study was to describe clinical pharmacist services assessed by systematic reviews and to qualitatively identify the main categories of the pharmacist intervention. We searched Medline for systematic reviews compiling evidence of the impact of clinical services on patient health outcomes published between 2000 and 2010, following the recommendations of the Cochrane collaboration. The search returned a total of 343 potentially relevant citations, of which 49 studies were included after the selection process. We identified eight categories of clinical services, which were grouped according to their main goals: patient counselling, risk factors prevention and control, adherence/compliance, medication review, pharmacotherapy follow-up, medication reconciliation, information to physicians or the health care team and prescription of new treatments. In general, all services focus on the improvement of the process of use of medicines as well as clinical, humanistic and economic outcomes.
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